I've been working on a lot of ink drawings for the past couple of weeks and my desk has been overflowing with scraps of paper!
To try and reach some kind of conclusion for one set of the drawings, I made them into an artist's book (or a booklet to be more exact. It was surprisingly easier than I expected, as all I needed to do was scan the images in order to order to convert them in jpegs and then resize them according to what size I wanted my book.I decided on 20 x 20cm as I wasn't sure of what the final thing would look like, and also how much it was cost (a concern that governs the majority of my work!).
Altogether the books cost under £4 each to make (with a student discount), they are stapled and i'm really pleased with the overall result. I'm going to experiment more with sizes and materials etc, and want to try making a hand-made book so see the comparison.

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