Monday, 6 December 2010


I want to experiment more with turning drawings into lino-cut prints, so have done a series of owl drawings trying out different pattern variations. Repeating the owls has allowed me to try out different facial expressions - some more of a success than others!

Online Shop

Hey, just thought i'd add a link to my online shop:
I've just listed the deer print on there along with some of my prints from last year :)

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Here is a selection of finished cards featuring my deer prints. I've never really thought about card-making before but thought I'd give it a shot to see how they would turn out. Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated :)

Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Another of the deer lino prints I've been working on which I originally drew in ink.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Wallpaper prints

Continuing on with the wallpaper theme, here are two more of my designs where I explored repetition. I think the simpler rose image is the boldest out of the two and works better as a repeated pattern.

Current studio work

These are a couple of images of my studio work this term. I've been trying out loads of different ideas and processes, including casting, and assemblages exploring the theme of women's roles within society. I've been focusing on the image of a tap, as I feel that this has strong connections both to the home and as a symbol for industry.


For the tap print, I wanted to combine a traditional wallpaper print with a more industrial image to see the effect.

Here are a couple of linocut prints that I've been working on this term. I wanted the images to be quite simple but have an organic feel about them.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Here are a few images of my work from the things that I've been working on so far. I've been doing quite a bit of reading about women's roles in society, both past and present, and about the suffragettes and have tried to incorporate this into my work. Experimenting with materials such as embroidered lace, wood and metallic objects, I've tried to create both a visual and symbolic contrast. I'm in the middle of playing around with scale and hope to make some really big pieces together with tiny ones to gain an insight into the importance scale plays in the reading of objects.

New term at the art school

This term I've decided to keep on working with wood and other found materials such as metal and various street found objects. Handy for keeping down material costs, but also for experimenting with how different materials change the way a piece is read. Louise Nevelson has spoken extensively on her use of wood, and how she used wood collected from the streets surrounding her home. She mentions how the wood has already experiened a life and takes on another when used in her sculptures - transformed and reused.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Lcoation: Lake Bled, Slovenia - Self Portrait.
Location: Lake Bled, Slovenia.
Beautuiful light leaks.
Location: Lake Bled, Slovenia.
Due to light leaks on the film, the image has produced beautiful colours and marks. I'm not sure how the counter numbers got on there but it's one of my favorite images.

Location: Barcelona

Diana F+

I've just had my most recent 120 films developed from my Diana camera and here are some of the most successful images. Everytime I develop a film from this camera I never know what to expect, but more often than not the results are good.

Monday, 6 September 2010

A selection of my work from the last term at art school.
My ideas centred around industry, socialism, bees and working with natural materials. I became very interested in working with wood cut prints and the organic nature of the image produced.